- Two thousand pounds a year? Go along with you! The job isn't worth fifteen hundred. 一年2000镑?别扯啦!这工作值不了1500镑。
- Just fancy! A rich husband, a car of your own, and ten thousand pounds a year to spend on yourself. 想想看!可以得到一个富有的丈夫,一辆自己的汽车,并可一年在自己身上花10,000英镑。
- Robert was inevitably endowed with a thousand pounds a year. 罗伯特每年必然要被赠予一千镑。
- Eleanor has a thousand pound a year entirely at her own disposal. 爱莉娜每年有一千镑完全归她使用。
- Then he smiled and told me I would receive an extra thousand pounds a year! 然后他微笑了一下告诉我说,我每年将得到一千英镑的额外收入。
- Just fancy! A rich husband,a car of your own,and ten thousand pounds a year to spend on yourself. 想想看!可以得到一个富有的丈夫,一辆自己的汽车,并可一年在自己身上花10000英镑。
- I have an offer of a job that pays another thousand pounds a year,and that's not to be sneezed at these days. 有人向我提供一份工作,这样一年我可多得1,000英镑,在目前这是不可错过的。
- I have an offer of a job that pays another thousand pounds a year, and that's not to be sneezed at these days. 有人向我提供一份工作,这样一年我可多得1,000英镑,在目前这是不可错过的。
- This land brought in two thousand pounds of grain last year. 这块土地去年生产出2000磅粮食。
- I calculate upon earning5000 pounds a year. 我预估一年可赚五千英镑。
- She has a thousand pounds a month coming in from her investments. 她每月从投资中得到一千英镑收入。
- REPORTER --- One ton? Two thousand pounds? 记者:未有成二千几磅?
- It's a deal then? You'll pay me two thousand pounds for the car. 那么,就这样决定了?你要付我两千英镑的汽车钱。
- They insist that I pay them ten pounds a year. 他们坚持我每年付给他们十磅。
- I want to deposit two thousand pounds into my checking account. 我要将两千英镑存入我的支票存款帐户。
- She didn't spend 500 pounds a year. 当时她每年花费不到500英镑。
- It's a deal then?You'll pay me two thousand pounds for the car. 那么, 就这样决定了?你要付我2000英镑的汽车款。
- I calculate upon earning 5000 pounds a year. 我预估一年可赚五千英镑。
- The company's wage bill is over a million pounds a year. 公司在工资方面的开支一年达一百万镑以上。
- That huge creature can pick up two thousand pounds with its trunk, yet it calmly(平静地)stays tied. 那头庞然大物能用它的长鼻子挑起2000磅的重物,却安静地甘于被绑缚。